You have a slew of weapons at your disposal to help you blast, bomb, freeze and fry the baddies that get in your way throughout the game. When you begin a new game, you will carry only your trusty Blaster. But you will find a wide variety of useful and more powerful weaponry to add to your arsenal as you make your way through each level. Each level is also chock full of ammo powerups that will vastly enhance the power of your weapons, and FastFire pickups that will make most of your weapons shoot faster.
The weapon your character is currently holding, and the amount of ammo remaining in that weapon is shown in the lower right corner of your screen. When you run out of ammo for a particular weapon, the next loaded weapon in your arsenal will automatically be readied.
You can arm yourself with a particular weapon in one of the following ways:
1. Use the Enter key to cycle through the different weapons available in your arsenal. Each time you hit Enter, you will switch to the next weapon you possess.
2. Hit a number key on your keyboard to activate the weapon assigned to it. The default number key assignments for each weapon are listed in the weapon descriptions below.

Both Jazz and Spaz begin the game with this trusty gun. The Blaster fires a quick and precise, albeit not particularly powerful, bullet. Power this gun up and it turns white and does more damage. The Blaster can be especially lethal if you collect enough FastFire guns!

This gun shoots rubbery bullets made from a special plastic that gives them so much elasticity they almost appear to be alive. They are tough to aim and even harder to predict, but enemies that get in the way of their frenzied flight are in for a thrashing. Power this gun up, and your bullets turn purple and bounce further, faster, longer!

Give baddies the cold shoulder with this weapon that immobilizes targets with its icy blast. The freeze effect lasts an extra long time when this gun is powered up.

Launches a heat-seeking missile that locks in the location of its target and adjusts its flight path to make sure it connects. A powered-up missile delivers an especially devastating payload.

Really Fast Missiles fire in a V shape from your gun and can do immense damage to even the strongest Shell minion. However, this weapon is not very useful at close range, as it can bounce you into baddies. Power this gun up for red missiles that shoot three at a time. You will find few weapons more devastating than this.

Turn your enemies to toast in seconds flat with this flame-thrower. The more FastFire powerups you collect, the longer the stream of fire will be. Power this gun up, and the flame will turn blue and stick to scenery.

TNT is the ultimate trap weapon. Place some behind some scenery and watch your foe go KABLOOEY when he comes into contact with it. This powerful explosive can also be triggered by shooting it. Try setting up amazing chain reactions with TNT. TNT cannot be powered-up.

The BB-like projectiles this weapon shoots make it highly effective for close range attacks. However, the pellets explode very quickly, so long-range attacks are best left to other weapons. Powered-up Pepper Spray is twice as mean.

This weapon is made of pure energy. When used, it fires a brilliant blast of charged electricity that shocks even the baddest of the bad. Power up the Electro-Blaster to increase its strength and damage radius.