After mentioning this experience on a mailing list earlier today (2/11/96), I decided to put it up on a web page. First, because I think it makes for an interesting enough story, and second, because it documents a phenomenon that most people have never heard of but which is actually quite common. Read on and you'll see what I'm talking about. ![]() My ultrasound story as I had wrtten it up on 4/5/94You had probably heard that I had a miscarriage on 3/23, when I would have been about 14 1/2 weeks pregnant. It was like the miscarriage I had had seven years earlier, in terms of that there was nothing more recognizable than hunks of tissue, and in the amount of tissue and bleeding. It was unlike the miscarriage I had had seven years earlier, in that there was no cramping nor gush of amniotic fluid. There can be a lot of variation in these things depending on why the miscarriage occurs. I did not have any of the warning signs of infection resulting from an incomplete miscarriage, but went to the local women's health center on 3/28 for a checkup. They thought everything looked fine (and complimented me a lot on my medical knowledge) but were concerned that my blood HCG levels were still at the full-blown pregnancy stage. All my subjective pregnancy symptoms (heartburn, fatigue, gagging, breast tenderness) were also continuing in full bloom. So I went back in for another checkup on 3/31. My HCG levels were still high, but the nurse-practitioner said that my uterus felt "on the large size of normal rather than pregnant." They thought that the next step should be to get an ultrasound, so I made an appointment to get one on 4/4, yesterday. I had come up with various scenarios for what was up, such as:
So I went over to the hospital for the ultrasound. I had a bad attitude about this because when I had called earlier to talk to someone at about the procedure, she had had the attitude most guaranteed to piss me off, which was "Oh yes, we read/interpret the scan right after it's done, but we certainly wouldn't talk to you about it, we call your physician and then your physician talks to you, and also we charge you a reading fee for that, on top of the $$$ for the scan." I assumed it would be a big waste of time and money, dished up with a lot of patronizing treatment. Instead, the technician was very nice and talked to me about whatever I wanted, once I finally got her talking. (I thanked her for that when I was leaving, and she said something like, "yeah, we aren't really supposed to say much.") I was lying down and watching two large screens, though at enough of an angle that it was hard to resolve the images as much more than "looks like fast-motion cloud photography." I could tell you a very long story about everything that went on at the ultrasound, but maybe I should just get to the point here:
Later she brought in a doctor, who complimented me on the write-up I had done up about my situation ("we probably could have diagnosed you from that"), and said, "You may have had another sac that you lost." I repeated what I had been saying to some people about the possibility of having had fraternal twins but having lost one of them, and he said "exactly!" That would certainly be fine with me if that were the case, that I could blame all the spotting I had throughout the pregnancy on a second twin that never really developed, and that now everything is fine. I haven't had any spotting for several days now (since the miscarriage stuff trickled off) whereas beforehand I was having it most every day. But who knows?
What happened afterwards, plus some background informationWell, of course the main thing is that my wonderful Arthur was born at home on 9/20/94 after a short and easy labor. Hurray! :-) But the other thing I want to talk about here is the matter of the apparent miscarriage of an undeveloped twin. After I had had the ultrasound, and told people about what had happened, most of them were quite amazed and/or alarmed -- they had never heard of anything like it. The midwife at the women's health center even said that she thought that because of this I should be considered a high-risk pregnancy and go sign up with a doctor. But I didn't agree with that assessment, and luckily the midwives I'd been planning to use in the first place weren't as put off by it either, so again, I was able to have a good home birth and a very healthy and happy baby. Anyway, as Arthur was coming up on a year old I was reading a long article on twins ("Double Mystery", by Lawrence Wright, in the August 7 1995 issue of The New Yorker), and one of the things it talked about was how surprisingly common this really is. I've typed in the relevant excerpt here:
Why I can't believe that so many women have so many ultrasounds just as a matter of courseUgh, having that ultrasound was one of the most painful experiences of my life! Not because they used a cattle prod, mind you, but because of having to drink all that water and then not being allowed to go to the bathroom!. And then on top of feeling like I was going to go the way of Tycho Brahe, and having had that rude treatment on the phone beforehand, it cost me something like 400 bucks! I kept thinking "I can't believe some women do this every month!!!" In short, aaarrrggghhh!!!
For more information, here are some "vanishing twin" and ultrasound-related links
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