One whale was in the water. And was happy eating little fishes while they swam past, not noticing the whale. Fishes are not smart!
Two whales called "Air Whales" had an adventure. They were walking on the grass, through tidepools. They saw the ripply waves jump on the rocks and fall down. Then they floated a little, and then walked back on land.
Three whales could eat five fishes at one time. Those three whales are very smart. I love whales.
Four whales' story is almost up.
Five whales were walking around in a castle and moved around and jumped. Suddenly they fell on their heads. To make you know why they're out there: they're air whales. I love you whales, I love you.
Six whales, sick whales. Sick whales were sleeping all right, when suddenly the roof fell on their faces, and then they rolled over off their bed! "Ow!" said one, "ow!" said another, "ow! said a third, as they fell out of their bedroom. The house tipped over, and then all the whales fell out of the house. "Ow, ow, ow ow!" yelled the whales. Then they tipped over and into a hole and fell down.
Seven whales had a friend called "Air." As you might imagine, he's an air whale. The friend is very nice 'cause he drinks water. All air whales are baleen whales. "Wink twink wink twink wink twink twinka wink wink. Twink wink twink wiiiiiiiiiiiink twiiiiiiiiiiiiink wink. I love you whales, I love you, I hope you love you. Come to our house full of your delicious food.
Eight whales were running on their flippers. They had so much water that they spit it all out. Sing your song, "hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm." Bye whales, bye.
Nine whales were so sleepy they thought they'd take a nap in the middle of where they lived: salt water. They loved to swim around and eat fishies, but now they were so sleepy they couldn't do what they were supposed to. The only words they could get out of their mouths were, "Sing your song! Sing your song!"
Ten whales have stickers with their address and their names in case they need to send a letter to another whale way far from them. They just put the letter in their blue mailbox! But they had a cozy nest in the middle of a forest. But it wasn't full of wild beasts, it was full of tidepools.
Eleven whales were so wild they were falling over each other and rolling on top of each other and even bumping heads. Suddenly, they were so wild they knocked the whole house over. "Ow!" as one fell on the ceiling, "ow!" said another as he almost fell into a chandelier and almost been burned. "Ow!" said another as he bounced from one wall to another. The first she-whale you have heard of in this story didn't say anything as she almost fell through a hole in the ceiling.
Twelve girl whales were rocking in a giant rocking chair. It was fit for thirteen in case one of their girlfriends came over. They're just waiting for their daddy to come and put their shoes on. 'Cause then they're going to go for a car ride in a car, and go to a gymnastics class! And surprise Kristi with their strange cartwheels and strange monkey jumps, I bet she'll be surprised by us! And suddenly they drove up to the class.
Thirteen whales messed up, they landed in a crash plain.
Fourteen whales sound like girl whales, of course these are girl whales. Should I tell you their story? Part 1: I love whales. Part 2: Whales have a big brain in the middle of their heads. Part 3: They walk on their flippers. Part 4: They live underwater. Part 5: They spit water out. Part 6: And while they're doing it, they have their backs out. And now it's time to end these whales. Come tomorrow and today.
Fifteen whales fell into the closet. Suddenly, they fell into a backpack! "Ow!" as one bumped into a pen sharpener. "Ow!" as one bumped into a fruit roll, as it threw him out of the backpack and into the air. "Ow!" as another bumped into a thing that holds shirts. The end of these fifteen whales.
Sixteen girl whales were in the balloon game and won a balloon trick. They flew up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up through the sky. Up, up, up, up, up, up. And bumped into a stone door and fell through a tunnel. Then they saw ground with a gate opening to steps. They walked down the steps. Down, down, down, down, down they walked down the steps into a long corridor, and turned left. Then the whole world seemed to shake. A giant hole opened in the ground! They fell through the hole.
"Help us! Save us!" as they went in the long trip down, down, down. "Hello, hello, hello! Hey, why did you stand up?" "We're rain whales! We stand up so rain drips into our mouths, and that's why we're called rain whales! Bye, I can't tell you any more about us. Sorry I can't tell you any more good information." They climbed up and down and up and down and up and down hills. Finally they got to a big hill had a door cut into it. Around and about they fell through the doorway. Around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around.
The End