If you’re learning Spanish, German, and/or French, playing Emoji Cats Word Guess using its Spanish, German, or French dictionary setting can be a fun and useful way to supplement and reinforce your language study and practice.

Flashcards are a very common memorization tool for language learners, where you work through a randomly-shuffled set of physical or digital cards with a vocabulary word on one side and its definition on the other.

Emoji Cats Word Guess’s Spanish, German, and French dictionary settings also have you working through randomly-shuffled core vocabulary words for each language, and as shown below, the endgame popup doubles as an enhanced flashcard — just tap a word to see its definition*, usage and historical information, and for many words you even have the option of hearing its pronunciation. But the guessing part before before you get to the endgame popup adds even another level to your language study and practice – scroll down to read more about that.

Anyone who’s taken a foreign language class knows that being able to recognize words when you see them in print or on a screen, and being able to produce them from memory when you’re not seeing them, are somewhat different skills.

As above, flashcard-style practice is about remembering/reinforcing/learning the definition of a vocabulary word that you see, but with Emoji Cats Word Guess, in addition to that you’re also going through a quick and fun process of puzzling out and trying to remember and recognize a word before you even see the complete word.

With whichever languages you’re practicing with, as you start guessing letters you’re thinking about how words in that language are structured — which letters are most commonly used, which letters often go together, common prefixes and suffixes, and so on. As you start to fill in some of the letters, you think about the words you’ve learned in that language, and work to remember ones that could fit the sequence of letters and spaces that you’re seeing.

If you get a word right it’s a great feeling, or if you don’t get it right but it turns out to have been a familiar word, it will still help you remember the word again later, and, whether you got it right or not, whether it’s a familiar word or not, once again, if you don’t know or don’t remember what it means, the definition is just a tap away.

Personally I’ve been playing the Spanish dictionary setting quite a lot lately, and it’s been great to feel myself steadily getting better at retrieving potential word matches from memory, suddenly recognizing which word a partially-completed word has got to be, and remembering the definitions (including being able to quickly check ones I don’t remember or hadn’t seen before, right when the word is very fresh in my mind). If you’re learning Spanish, German, and/or French, then I hope you’ll find Emoji Cats Word Guess fun and helpful too!

*When you tap a Spanish, French or Easier word Emoji Cats Word Guess shows you the Wiktionary entry for the word. But with German, for words where the same spelling is used for both a noun and a verb, unlike Spanish, French, or English, Wiktionary has separate entry pages for the noun and verb (for example, Essen and essen) rather than combining them on a single page, so for German words Emoji Cats Word Guess shows you the appropriate Collins Dictionary page instead.


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