Kitty Todo is a free, ad-free Android app provided by Tané Tachyon/Tachyon Labs, and is intended for use as is. This privacy policy page is used to inform Kitty Todo users about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

Kitty Todo does not access any sensitive user data or sensitive permissions on your Android device.

Kitty Todo stores all task data you enter on your personal Android device, and does not upload it to any external servers.

Kitty Todo uses Google’s Firebase Crashlytics service to improve the app by sending anonymous data about the details of any app crashes, so that in the event of a crash, the bug that caused it can be quickly tracked down and fixed.

Kitty Todo uses Google’s Analytics for Firebase service to improve the app by sending a small amount of anonymous general usage data, which does not include the task description text of any tasks that you create.

Google’s Auto Backup for Apps service automatically backs up Kitty Todo and your other Android apps, so that your apps and their data can be restored if you do a factory reset on your Android device or replace your device. Google stores this backup in a private folder in your Google Drive account at no charge to you, and without counting against your Google Drive quota.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this privacy policy, please contact me at

Thank you for using Kitty Todo!

Tané Tachyon
Tachyon Labs